Arlington Public Schools will be closed for Winter Break from Dec. 23-Jan. 3. All schools and the Syphax Education Center will be closed during the break.


Bullying Prevention and Intervention

What is Bullying? 

Student bullying or harassment is the repeated infliction or attempted infliction of injury, discomfort, or humiliation on a student by one or more students. It is a pattern of aggressive, intentional or hostile behavior that occurs repeatedly and over time. Bullying/harassment typically involve an imbalance of power or strength. Bullying/harassment behaviors may include: physical, verbal, or nonverbal behaviors. These behaviors include, but are not limited to, intimidation; assault; extortion; oral or written threats; teasing; name-calling; threatening looks, gestures, or actions; rumor spreading; false accusations; hazing; social isolation; and abusive e-mails, phone calls, or other forms of cyber-bullying.

At Hoffman-Boston, our students learn the 3 R’s of Bullying

Recognize – Bullying is unfair and one-sided. It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening or leaving someone out on purpose.

Report – Reporting isn’t tattling!  Reporting is telling an adult in order to keep people safe. Any time is a good time to report bullying.

Refuse – If you feel safe, 1) Get calm, 2) Stand straight and tall, 3) Look at the person you are speaking to, 4) Say what you mean in a strong, clear, respectful voice. Example: “Stop! We do not act like that here.”

Other resources


  • Encourage your student to let a trusted adult know what is happening:
    • Student’s Teacher
    • School Counselor
    • School Administrator
    • Extended Day Director (if occurring in Extended Day)
  • Follow up
  • Report using our Bullying Report Form