
2024 HFB Multicultural Night

Dear HBF Community,

Thank you to every family who provided delicious food and treats for our learners, staff and fellow families to enjoy.  The variety of foods to choose from was amazing, and we all were able to sample dishes from many different cultures and backgrounds. Everything we tasted told a story, and we are grateful for the families who were willing to share that story with us. If you would like to share your recipe please email it to Belinda Folb The recipe will shared with families and maybe someday make a cookbook for our school.

THANK YOU to our staff and volunteers especially to Ms. Judi Andrews. This event would have been impossible without you taking the time to help organize, set up and clean up as well. We are so grateful for you!

We ended the day with happy hearts and full bellies, it was because of the amazing HFB family we have. We are already looking forward to our Multicultural Feast next year!




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