
PTA Garden Need Help!

Hello Wonderful HFB Community,

Want to Help?

Adopt-a-Plant Fundraiser

We are looking for volunteers to help with weekly watering and summer maintenance, please send an email to express interest or learn more.

And If you like to help with the fall planning, fundraising, grant writing, or managing donations, please consider joining the Garden Committee.

Feel free to email questions at:

Thank you and congrats on making it to the last week of school!



More News in news

Summer Digital Learning Resources

Students will continue to have access to a variety of digital learning applications over the summer.

You can do with your family!

And All-Stars, we wish you and your family a happy summer! Please continue to READ! Summer Reading Program Included!

2024 HFB Multicultural Night

Thank you to every family who provided delicious food and treats for our learners, staff and fellow families to enjoy.